Monday, September 22, 2008

.:: WHeN THeRe'S a WiLL THeRe'S DeFiNiTeLY No WaY I'LL QuiT ::.

Mood: It's strange to be feeling so enthusiastic all of a sudden.

Hanazano Hikari.
I'm so glad I watched Special A.
It's given me such a positive outlook on life.
One minute, it feels like everything might crumble
and the next, well, I can deal with it.

I know my strengths.
And I also know that I have many,
many weaknesses.
But I also know that one day,
with enough self-belief,
those weaknesses will blossom
into lovely flowers of strength.

That's why I'll never give up.
Have you ever seen the wind stop blowing
just because there's obstacles ahead?
Has water ever stopped its flow?
No and so won't I.

Today, I finally was able to complete my first Rubik's Cube.
Yes, I know it's surprising.
But I guess with good classmates who are
experts at the cube teaching you,
it's hard to not solve one.
Though I take what seems like ages to complete one.
But the point is, hey, I did it =P

Didn't get a chance to watch Code Geass R2 today.
Was busy sleeping. =P
Owh and when I opened my email about an hour ago...
A very long awaited email (actually it wasn't expected,
cause it was supposed to come late Oct/ early Nov
and in the form of snail mail) finally arrived!

But I'm not gonna burst the bubble here,
so I'm gonna wait till something more concrete arrives.
Today was one heck of a wonderful day.
Did anyone notice how beautiful the skies were?
I could almost sense my other half soaring up there,
and I can't help but smile at the thought of it.

Yup, life's almost reaching perfection,
ironically it was just about to crumble,
but I guess I truly am not alone.
Because even if everything falls apart,
I'll just sing myself a song and get over it.
Because that's who I am, right?
(To those who know me best =P )

2 memories:

Emo4Eva said...

tagged....revenge@.@...owh yea why is question 13 from the blog missing?

Ethan Liew Tjun Git said...

Hey, you just started rubik's cube? So do I.. I never play rubik's cube before since last Thursday.. It's kinda fun... And btw, Try and watch Gundam 00 Season 2.. Just came out on 1st ep..