Sunday, June 8, 2008

.:: To aLL MY BeST FRieNDS ouT THeRe ::.

Mood: Fingers are a little tired after practicing Butterfly Kiss on the piano.
Totally tiring song, but worth it.

Okay, Grandpa asked me to write a poem way long time ago,
Guess I didn't have the time and inspiration till now.

So Adrian, (sounds nicer when I call you Grandpa)
here's a poem to you and all my best friends out there.
Gaaya, Sabrina, Manda and Fiza  if you're reading, this is for you as well!
Miss you all soo much!!
Can't wait to play softball with all of you again.
And Pik Kuan, my very 1st best friend,
hope we'll stay best friends forever,
It's been a long time since we've chatted,
but you're still a best friend to me.
Also, to Aelys and Myka
this is to you too!!

In truth, I have so many good friends,
so this is for all of you out there!
You all mean a lot to me =)

Me and Gaaya (choral speaking)

Me and Sabri ^^

Will get Manda's and Fiza's pic soon =P
Grandpa you owe me a pic!
Haven't seen you since Standard 6 =.=


Like water's everlasting flow,
Let angels guide you wherever you go,
Thanks for always being by my side,
I pray for you to have sweet dreams each night

Eventhough I know dreams shall end,
But I'll always stand by you, my friend(s),
I'll be here to drown your fears and sorrow,
So never give up on your dreams of tomorrow,

As time passes, we will grow older,
But know that our friendship shall never wither,
Like the thousands of stars shining brightly in the infinite sky,
You'll never be alone as our friendship will never die.


Hope you all liked it!
Will write a longer one next time.
My poem-writing skills apparently have gone rusty,
so I guess it's time I start cleaning the rust =P

1 memories:

Emo4Eva said...

MY GOD!!! Thats rusty! I wanna c u unrusty!! Btw did u go to ichibanzai??(or however its spelt) sure u ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and...ate!! Yay~ thkz 4 da poem u know>.<...i owe u 1 for im blogging in skewl c u 2mr...