Saturday, June 25, 2011

.:: The sudden rain, although short, really made me happy :) ::.

It's amazing how some things happen without warning
and you find that it overlaps with
something else that had just happened.
And when that happens, you find that
those everyday things that we usually overlook
have hidden meanings,
God's little messages to us. :)
I just love little revelations,
it's like solving a code,
a real-life math equation.

Me and my siblings really do argue a lot.
We're siblings, but there are loads of things that
we don't see eye-to-eye on.
And we may call each other annoying and irritating a lot,
but when it counts, we're always there for each other.
And I know that I would never want to
replace any one of my siblings,
nor will I ever tolerate anyone else
picking on them.
It's one of those "I'm the only one that can
pick on my siblings" type of protectiveness. Hee. =D

Yesterday was just overflowing with good things.
And I can only hope and pray that this keeps up.
And soon, it'll be my turn huh?
1 more day till semester 3 starts.
And it's one of those 'mixed-feelings' moments again.
Nevertheless, there'll always be that sudden rain, ne?

How true. :)

0 memories: