Friday, June 10, 2011

.:: It's nice to know we're still staring at the same skies ::.

Back at home again and everything feels like
its fallen back into place. :)

Grandma's helping me alter the length of my dress
for graduation (still can't believe I'm actually going to
wear a dress.) -- I guess that adds to my list of first-times in college.

First of all,
Happy Birthday to Nakaya! :)
Can't believe it's nearly three years since I've first
met him. Time passes sooo fast!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday :)
Actually woke up from a really nice dream today.
Well, by nice, I didn't mean the type of dream
where everything happens exactly the way you want it.
It was one of those dreams with a complete story-line,
another gift from God to write out.
But before that one was one that has been repeating
for quite some time and I was quite surprised
to find something that could come quite close to
it when I was randomly looking through deviantart.
Credits to the respected artist.

It'll be our little secret. Just Me and God. :)
And now I guess since I missed Mechanics today,
I'd best start working on it.
Wonder if I work on it hard enough,
the answers might appear in my dreams? =D

0 memories: