Wednesday, June 16, 2010

.:: Cardcaptor Sakura ::.

Remember that show you used to/ might have (or not)
watched when you were younger,
where a certain girl opened a book
and read the name of the card, "WINDY"
and all the cards flew away, blown by the wind.
And then the guardian of those Clow Cards woke up
and then named you a Cardcaptor after releasing the key
of the book, invoking the powers of the Sun and the Moon.

After that, she goes through a test set by another guardian
under the sign of the Moon, Yui.
And finally attains her own power,
unique to her; the power of the Stars.

Ring any bells?
Yes! Cardcaptor sakura!
Originally wanted to blog about
the AMBP Xtreme Sunway experience
my June holidays first,
but couldn't wait since this seemed to
be so much cuutttteeerr!

I've been playing the GBA game since two days ago,
for like half an hour each day and it's been pretty lovely
so far! It's full of Syaoran X Sakura,
actually mostly Syaoran being jealous about Eriol.
Here's a few screenshots from my GBA.
Of course it's in Japanese, so I'll translate. :D

So anyways, here the story starts after Sakura has
attained her own power, all the Clow Cards have been
caught and her staff is now the shape of the Star.
She goes to school for her morning duty and
being by herself she starts singing, when...

Syaoran comes in for his morning duty and coughs.

Sakura's reaction: Hoeeeee!!
Then they start chatting about their holidays
and then Sakura asks Syaoran whether it's
true whether he's going back to Hong Kong,
and Syaoran says yes, since he has completed his duties
here and he has to report back to his mother
about the new owner of the cards.

What are you going to do? Sakura-Chan
#1. I see, that's good.
#2. I'll be lonely. (something like I'll miss you.)

I chose #2.

Sakura: Li-kun, just when we finally became good friends.

Sakura: I'll be lonely

Yup! That's a cute heart shape!
And your happiness bar goes up!

Syaoran: (blushes) Not really, 
it's not like we'll never
see each other again, right?

Sakura:  Yup, I guess that's so. 
I'm glad. 

And score one for Syaoran's blushes! :D
Later on, after Eriol comes in, 
the next day, Sakura meets him
in class after school. 
(You get to choose where to go)

Eriol: A smile suits you best, Sakura-san.
(He says this after giving Sakura some flowers)

And... Enter Syaoran's irritated/jealous moment!
Well, guess that's all I'll post today,
I'll most definitely come up with more! :D
And for now, GBA time!!

3 memories:

Unknown said...

iv'e been looking everywhere, but i have no clue what this video game is. can someone PLEASE tell me?? i want to play it so bad, but i don't know where else to look.

Resha Lim said...

It's a gameboy advance (GBA) game called Cardcaptor Sakura: Sakura Card to Tomodachi. You'll need a gameboy emulator and the rom to play it. Did a quick search for the rom and found a site that provides it below (i have not tested it though):

Enjoy! Hope it helps :)

Unknown said...

thank you so much, that really helps!! :D