Friday, January 15, 2010

.:: Guess this is it until I think of something better ::.

I'm guessing this is what it feels like
to have nothing to do for once after seeming
to always have something to do.
Well, I shamefully admit that these few days
I have fallen victim of the laziness disease that
has seemed to spread ever since I ended SPM.
I think I must be in the ICU for laziness right about now.
Basically, for the past few days,
I have done absolutely nothing worthy of note
except loads of cleaning and ANIME.
Looks like all play and no work is making me
a dull anime-freak.
Anyways, due to massive recommendations
from the many anime fans I know,
I have been watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
40 episodes in two days eventually left me with a backache
due to sitting too long.
I have also been rewatching all the 69 episodes
of Yakitate Japan, which made me laugh so much,
my siblings probably think I've lost it.
So in spite of the mass laziness surrounding me,
I will put forth some effort and review this anime, FMAB.
Firstly, I technically have read the manga a long,
long, long time ago, so the first few episodes were nothing surprising,
except for the fact that it was definitely a much better
adaptation to the manga compared to the
earlier FMA series.
(which I stopped watching a long time ago)
Thumbs up for amazing graphics.
Secondly, what really made me stick to the anime,
was the fantastic opening song Again by YUI.
It really fit the anime well, one of the best made
openings so far. The second opening song was quite nice too,
but YUI's was just awesome.
The phrase "tsumi no saigo wa namida jyanai yo"
caught my attention the most and thus I remembered the phrase
VERY well.
It means "a sin doesn't just end with tears"
Truly, I would love to just elaborate about the opening song,
but I'm supposed to review the anime,
so oh well.
Thirdly, despite the fact that blood baths are definitely
NOT my cup of tea (I'm more of a "let's make peace
or if you must make hell, let's just fight using words"
type of person) FMAB didn't seem to repel me,
I was pretty curious of what was going to happen as the series
went further on. I really like how they draw transmutation
circles, they just look so unique and resemble the
symbols engraved on my tarot cards.
And thumbs up to the homunculus plot thingy,
eventhough at first, I couldn't immediatelty grasp the idea.
I somehow liked Envy and Lust above all the other
Homunculi. (they were the only ones who weren't
exageratingly weird)
Lastly, the reason I was glued to this anime was probably
because I wanted to see something flourish between
Colonel Mustang and Riza Hawkeye (plus the secret of her tatoo)
and also the cute Winry and Edward pairing.
To conclude, FMAB was quite good,
though I generally dislike bloody scenes a lot,
so I'd rate it a 4/5
InuYasha the Final Act, on the other hand,
surpasses the previous seasons with its
more awesome graphics and soundtracks.
Despite knowing what's going to happen in the end
(because the manga's complete), I find myself totally
excited waiting for the next episode to be aired on Sunday,
2.30am TV Tokyo.
Be sure to catch that, because that's soemthing I would rate 10/10.
Yakitate Japan is rated 4/5 for its cute puns
and making me laugh when I feeling so moody.
It really lifts spirits up. It also has plenty of knowledge
about baking and ingredients in it, so it's a good investment.
And here I thought they were definitely making up the
existence of Marcel Marceau, but it appears he really does exist.
(He's a mime who appeared to be able to copy aging and death)
Now, all that's left is...
does anyone here have tickets to Japan on the 23rd of January?
Because that's when the new Yu Gi Oh movie is released into
cinemas in Japan.
It's even in 3D! Geez! I wanna be there.
Owh well, they say that dreams take you pretty far :)

0 memories: