Tuesday, January 6, 2009

.:: 学校 ::.

Mood: I'm missing Japan more than ever now.
I keep thinking about my host family and school there.

Totally random picture taken in the morning. Lols.

School's finally started!!
Which led me to think of...

[Maebashi Minami High School]

This was my school.
Now, I'm missing all my form mates.

(Mainly because we didn't stay put in one class,we moved throughout the form.

I was really glad to receive their email, its become a habit for me to check my email every night now.

Anyway, one more reason to miss my host mum
other than her being the kindest and most caring-
not-to-mention-awesome-super-host-mum she is,
is that bento she makes every morning for me to take to
school. She makes super cute ones.
So, not knowing what came over me,
I woke up early today and on the 1st day of school
to produce this:
Yeah, I know. It doesn't look all that great.
I forgot to get a bento bag home.
(That's not very smart of me)
And that's technically not the bento box I bought from Japan.
I'm keeping that one, haven't had the heart to use it yet.
SO anyway, because I forgot to get a bag,
I had to settle with the furoshiki wrapping techniques
Ishii-san showed us on the bus.
Life-saver! =P
Should have gotten a bigger hanky though.
And what's inside?

We don't cook rice in the morning like Japanese do, so have to make do with what I have.

Compare that to this:

Oka-san's bento. I already ate an onigiri before taking this picture.
Craps, I miss my Japan bentos!!

But anyway, its not like I'm complaining about
Malaysia because like I don't think
I can survive without all the spicy food Malaysia has to offer.
Hrmm. So the post tittle's 'school' and
here I end up talking about food.
Geez. Way to go out of topic.
Owh well.
But now I'm keeping my fingers extra-crossed for a second
chance to return there.
And I'm still working on the video.
We're supposed to like pass up a report on this JENESYS Programme,
so I thought of using the video, but its still in progress.
Will I make the deadline?
It's time to be nocturnal again, I guess.

Here's a video of us doing air guitar at the welcome party
at the host community.

Credits to the table on which the camera was put on and Andrew who uploaded it.
I'm barely in the video (thank God) but I'm the one in
the red cheongsam (1st one to be dragged in).
And someone actually tore his jeans in this,
I'll leave that for you to guess who he is. =P
Look at Julie-sensei though (she's the one in the formal black dress)
Yeah, Gunma group rocks!

3 memories:

Anonymous said...

Hey the bento looks great! :)
Yeah when I went to Japan, I couldn't really find any spicy food... haha

hope you had a nice day in school

vivienne said...

is it my eyes, or u did put FOUR oranges in ur "bento"?!
man, u really eat a lot!!!

anyway, miss sitting beside u...
i m sitting beside ummaira now,
what about you?

Resha Lim said...

to Kagome92

Thanks for visiting ^^
And thanks for ur comments on the bento haha.
I think Japan's definition of spicy is only wasabi... I can take spicy, but not wasabi for some reason...
I had a great time in school. =)

to Viviene

It's mandarin oranges =P
And its not that big...
I'm sitting in the middle of Leesha and Nishvinie.
U probably won't know them XP