Tuesday, March 16, 2010

.:: Atarashi no Monogatari ::.

Mood: Glad that everything worked out.

For the past few days,
I haven't been updating mainly because,
well... my Grandma's having breast cancer.
She went for her second operation on Monday
and thank God it all worked out.
(though it gave us a fright when the doctors
took her into the operation room without us)
Now she's finally back at home and the weird thing is,
doctors haven't said a thing about the stage of her cancer.
(I'm crossing my fingers and hoping its Stage 1)

Anyways, on the other hand,
last Thursday, I got the results of possibly the
biggest examination of my life SO FAR.
(I said 'so far' because I know there are things more
important than SPM in time to come)
Well, I wouldn't say its perfect,
but it's definitely something that I'm satisfied with.
9 A+ and 2 A's.
GCE-O, 1119 - 1A
and LCCI - 1

Getting this kind of result,
its obvious that I have a lot of people to thank.
Starting with God,
my family <3>
the One from the Past.
I never knew the One from the Past could've helped
ever so much. I actually cried reading the letter,
which by the way, is Our little secret :D
(and No, before all you guys even think about it,
it was NOT my boyfriend -- not like I ever had one
to start with :P)

Owh and the post title's 'atarashi no monogatari'
because I'm planning on writing a new story based
on this wonderful dream I had yesterday night.
Now to just finish up that draft before I forget about it. :D

0 memories: