Wednesday, December 16, 2009

.:: Naritai Jibun ::.

Finally have time to settle down

After SPM, we went on an almost immediate trip
to KL the next day, then Penang the day after that
and then to and fro to KL ever since.
I am now officially sick of travelling,
which is ironic, considering that when I was little,
I dreamt of travelling in a caravan - thanks
to Enid Blyton influence.
Now, time's just rotting away,
there's like nothing much to do,
except to think of what I wanna be in the future.
I strongly feel I should become a doctor,
given the fact that I don't trust other doctors much
and that I hate feeling helpless when my family gets sick.
I hate just sitting ducks.
But I'm not sure whether I can handle being a doctor.
Theoretically, it shouldn't be much of a problem,
but if i were to do surgery well...
Don't be surprised if I ended up pouring a whole
tub of sanitizer into the patient's stomach.
And right now, I pretty much still can't swallow the idea
of cutting open a dead person's body.
I mean, he's dead, so leave him alone already!
What are they doing out of their graves and in the lab anyway?
But I have a feeling once I get used to it, I'll be fine.
So that's pretty much my thoughts on the road of the life-saver.
Don't even mentioned the 'getting sued big time if you mess up' part
and the guilt that comes with it, even if it was accidental.
Then, again, almost all situations demand that we cannot afford accidents.
Second career considered : Actuarist.
Well, counting probability all day is most definitely my cup of tea
and I love maths like life itself, so I'm guessing why not?
Minus the fact that it's rumoured as 'the toughest field ever',
I've pretty much made up my mind to walk down this path.
If it weren't for the 'feeling helpless when my family gets sick part'
and wishing I could do more.
Okay fine, so I'm being pretty bias right now.
Just because my grandma's being diagnosed with cancer.
And I'm really freaked out worried,
but I'm not going to show it.
I believe in You, God
and You've always given me the best of everything,
and I'm not going to stop believing now.
In a nutshell, I guess everything in life's the same.
If I were to put it in mathematical terms,
its a progression, a simple, readable pattern,
so simple, it confuses us all.
Isn't life such a mysterious entity?
Well, I guess if things were easy, then you'd lose the fun of living it.
So bring on the challenges, I'll face all of you head on.
Just like doing additional math. =)

0 memories: