Friday, October 22, 2010

.:: It's like finding the place you were always meant to be ::.

Mood: It hasn't been raining much lately,
but I've been absolutely happy. :)

It's been ages since I've last blogged
and it's not surprising considering how busy I've been
in the past few months.
(Actually it's only been at most 3 months,
but it feels like I've already completed a whole
semester, what with the amount of stuff
we're learning every day)

College is awesome!
That would pretty much summarize my entire post.
I remember those times when I loved going to school
so much, that I would go even if I wasn't feeling well.
I guess I have to say the same about college.
(It would be disastrous to miss any classes anyways,
at the speed we're going)
But somehow, even with all the work we're doing,
how much we're cramming in in such a short period of time,
it doesn't pressure me at all.
And I have my friends to thank for that. :)

If I were to describe my life in college, 
I wonder where I should start?
With the fact that I'm doing all the subjects I love
which makes every class worth going to?
Or the fact that I can share absolutely anything
with the girls; Harmeet, Pav, Clandia, 
Zahrah, Ummaira etc
without feeling awkward?

Or the fact that there's always a reason to laugh in class,
either cause of Yow Wai's witty sarcasm,
Aryl's blur-ness in the way he asks questions,
Sien Son's excitement in completing a tough math question
(which reminds  me of myself sometimes hahax), 
Jee An's lame math jokes or
jokes and teases about Yow Wai's age and
Fariz's long hair.
Class would never be complete without
Iqhwan, Fateh and Yoga too.
It's like we're this one 'big' S3 family.
And though I hate it when I get laughed at
for not understanding their perverted jokes,
it's nice to have everyone laughing so much
that I eventually feel like laughing too.

Oh, and when Malaysian studies and Econs
come, I have another class of people
that I like chatting with.
Teasing Stephenas and Hafizul never seems to
get old, just like how much I tease Alvin and Sue Yinn
together hahax. (they're so gonna murder me if
they ever read this.)
Alvin's been a major big bully recently 
(though comparatively better than Aryl in terms 
of irritating-ness),but it's okay, 
since it's easy to get revenge on him.

Of course, let's not forget our lecturers. :D
It's really awesome that we have such
sporting math lecturers that spoil us with
knowledge and fun :)
I love how we can easily joke with Ms Amy,
(class is rarely quiet when she's around since it's
too fun for that) and how Ms Yap will gladly
answer just about any question we ask,
no matter how irrelevant it may be,
and actually bother explaining it in detail.
The fact that she doesn't mind telling us stuff
out of syllabus is pretty cool too :D

Physics with Ms Deborah is good too,
with all her stories for examples (though sometimes
violent and gory ones) especially the
one about the mer'maid'. :P
Having Mr Nedu for Econs somehow eases the
fear & lack of confidence I have for the subject
(cause of my lack of general knowledge which I am
'trying' to improve) since Econs is a lot more than just theory.

I wonder if there is a bigger and more bombastic word
to describe the fun I'm having when I'm in college?
For now, let's just stick with 'awesome', shall we?
Yes, college life is good.
It's like finding the place you were always
meant to be.