Tuesday, June 24, 2008

.:: MiD YeaR ReSuLTS ::.

Mood: A little tired. Exhausted actually...
So many things to do, so little time.

Owh well,
since I won't be here for the next 4 days because of debate
and I won't be here for Open Day as well...

Here's my result slip just to SAY IT ALL.

(dis one can be enlarged XP)

Well, it wasn't really that good,
considering I did have 2 A2s...
I think I could have done better...

Owh yea, didn't manage to get the accounts results though,
I got 36/40 for paper 1...
Have to search for the teacher for paper 2.

So anyway,
here's the my results for those that can't view the pic:

BM - 70 (Its always Bm!!)
ENG - 90 (improved, I guess...)
MM - 87 ( sad.)
Add Maths - 92 (deterioration! Omg.)
Moral - 78 (Okay, I just don't get moral)
History - 84 ( a little dissapointed, but okay la)
Physics - 79 ( Ithought I was gonna fail the paper)
Biology - 74 (deterioration again.)
Chemistry - 85 (not too bad, not good either)
Basic Economics - 85 (matching marks again!)
Accounts (paper 1) - 36/40

So altogether, 8A1s and 2As
And one unknown. =P

That's about it.
I really think I could've done better,
but grateful enough to God for helping me attain
these results in the first place.
And I am happy about my placing though.


Right now,
there's debate to worry about! =.=
Wish me luck, minna!

THBT Debate is a pain in the brain when you have to memorise
4 scripts! (8 including reply speeches!!)
Guess I have no choice but to try my best! =P

0 memories: